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Article: A blueprint for the spatiotemporal origins of mouse hippocampal interneuron diversity.

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Tricoire L; Pelkey KA; Erkkila BE; Jeffries BW; Yuan X; McBain CJ
J. Neurosci., 2011

Table 1.

List of primary antibodies

Antigen Antigen details Host Clonality Dilution Supplier Catalog no. Purification method Reference/specificity
CCK Gastrin-17 Mouse Monoclonal 1:1000 Dr. G. Ohning (CURE, University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA) 9303 Ascites fluids Recognizes gastrin and CCK, but gastrin is absent of telencephalon (Ohning et al., 1996)
CR Recombinant rat calretinin Rabbit Polyclonal 1:1000 Millipore AB5054 Antiserum Western blot shows a single band at 32 kDa molecular weight (manufacturer). Labeling pattern as published in previous reports (Fonseca et al., 1995)
CoupTFII Recombinant human COUP-TF II (amino acids 43–64) Mouse Monoclonal 1:200 Perseus Proteomics; clone H7147 PP-H7147-00 Ascites fluids Tested by Western blot and KO animal (Qin et al., 2007)
GFP Recombinant GFP Chicken Polyclonal 1:2000 Aves Labs GFP-1020 IgY fraction No immunohistochemistry signal can be detected from the GFP-negative Cre+;Z/EG−/− mouse tissue
PV Purified frog muscle parvalbumin Mouse Monoclonal 1:1000 Sigma-Aldrich; clone PARV-19 P3088 Ascites fluids Labeling pattern as with rabbit antiserum (Swant; PV-28) (Kubota et al., 2011)
PV Rat muscle parvalbumin Rabbit Polyclonal 1:1000 Swant PV-28 Antiserum No labeling in KO mouse (Schwaller et al., 1999)
M2R Amino acids 225–359 Rat Monoclonal 1:500 Millipore; clone M2-2-B3 MAB367 Protein A purified Levey et al., 1995
nNOS Recombinant human neuronal nitric oxide synthase Rabbit Polyclonal 1:1000 Millipore AB5380 Peptide affinity chromatography Labeling pattern as published with other antibodies (Fuentealba et al., 2008)
Reelin Recombinant reelin amino acids 164–496 Mouse Monoclonal 1:1000 Millipore; clone G10 MAB5364 Protein A purified Recognizes the H epitope near the N terminus of the protein (de Bergeyck et al., 1998). No staining in the reeler mouse (de Bergeyck et al., 1997)
SOM Synthetic cyclic (1–14) somatostatin conjugated to bovine thyroglobulin Rat Monoclonal 1:200 Millipore; clone YC7 MAB354 Culture supernatant Labeling pattern as published with other antibodies (Eyre et al., 2009)
SOM Same as the rat antibody Rabbit Polyclonal 1:500 Dako A0566 Antiserum Labeling pattern as published with the rat antibody (our observation)
VIP Porcine VIP Guinea pig Polyclonal 1:1000 Peninsula Laboratories T-5030 Antiserum Labeling pattern as published with other antibodies (Eyre et al., 2009)

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