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Article: Ex vivo dissection of optogenetically activated mPFC and hippocampal inputs to neurons in the basolateral amygdala: implications for fear and emotional memory.

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Hübner C; Bosch D; Gall A; Lüthi A; Ehrlich I
Front Behav Neurosci, 2014

Properties of EPSCs onto principal neurons.

Input type mPFC vHC Statistical comparisons
cell type all PN uPN bPN all PN uPN bPN
Amplitude (pA) -415.7±30.03 (58)1 -480.88±52.33 (19) -445.91±44.46 (24)2 -274.76±28.32 (42)1 -353.56±61.08 (12) -250.7±33.17 (23)2 1,2p ≤ 0.001
Latency (ms) 2.86±0.1 (58)1 2.73±0.11 (19)2 3.13±0.19 (24)3 2.29±0.07 (42)1 2.15±0.1 (12)2 2.34±0.102 (23)3 1,2,3p ≤ 0.001
Rise time (ms) 2.75±0.09 (58)1 2.69±0.14 (19)2 2.74±0.15 (24)3 2.11±0.09 (42)1 2.0±0.09 (12)2 2.14±0.15 (23)3 l1,2p ≤ 0.001; 3p ≤ 0.01
Decay time (ms) 8.96±0.37 (58)1 8.37±0.38 (19) 8.59±0.6 (24) 7.52±0.39 (42)1 7.69±0.6 (12) 7.22±0.59 (23) 1p ≤ 0.01
PPR 50 ms 1.11±0.15 (48)1 0.83±0.07 (17)2 1.53±0.34 (19)3 0.56±0.05 (42)1 0.47±0.07 (13)2 0.57±0.06 (23)3 1,2p ≤ 0.001; 3p < 0.05
PPR 100 ms 1.45±0.11 (49)1 1.29±0.06 (17)2 1.75±0.27 (19)3 1.11±0.04 (42)1 1.02±0.07 (13)2 1.14±0.06 (23)3 1,2p ≤ 0.01; 3p < 0.05
PPR 300 ms 1.09±0.02 (46)1 1.11±0.04 (17)2 1.11±0.03 (19)3 0.97±0.03 (41)1 0.91±0.06 (13)2 1±0.04 (23)3 1,2p ≤ 0.01; 3p < 0.05
I/E ratio 0.36±0.1 (39) 0.18±0.05 (14)1 0.5±0.23 (16) 0.44±0.13 (25) 0.42±0.1 (7)1 0.45±0.18 (18) 1p ≤ 0.01

PPR, paired-pulse ratio; I/E ratio, inhibition-to-excitation ratio; all PN, all recorded principal neurons; uPN, unlabeled principal neuron; bPN, mPFC-backprojecting principal neuron; values represent mean ± s.e.m. (n, number of recorded cells); statistical comparisons: superscript numbers represent pairs of significantly different values.

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