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Article: Isolectin B(4)-positive and -negative nociceptors are functionally distinct.

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Stucky CL; Lewin GR
J. Neurosci., 1999

Table 1.

Action potential characteristics of small-diameter (≤26 μm) IB4-positive and -negative dorsal root ganglion neurons

Soma diameter (μm) Cell capacitance (pF) Input resistance (mOhm) Membrane potential (mV) AP threshold (pA) AP height (mV) AP 50% width (msec) AP 75% width (msec) n
IB4negative, with inflection 21.8  ± 0.6 16.5  ± 1.1 437.3  ± 52.8 −52.1  ± 2.4 209.3  ± 32.9* 97.9  ± 4.7 6.11  ± 0.5** 3.18  ± 0.3** 29
IB4 positive, with inflection 22.2  ± 0.4 18.4  ± 0.8 344.6  ± 49.9 −51.7  ± 1.4 299.5  ± 36.7 102.67  ± 2.93 9.56  ± 0.94 5.45  ± 0.53 39
IB4 negative, no inflection 23.6  ± 1.2 21.6  ± 3.0 333.5  ± 67.3 −51.4  ± 2.1 306.7  ± 56.3 88.40  ± 5.04 5.63  ± 0.87 2.80  ± 0.51 12
IB4 positive, no inflection 22.8  ± 0.5 19.4  ± 3.1 340.8  ± 113.2 −51.7  ± 3.7 176.7  ± 49.1 99.4  ± 11.1 8.82  ± 1.76 3.82  ± 0.46 6
  • Asterisks indicate IB4-negative group with action potential inflection is significantly different from IB4-positive group with inflection (**p < 0.05, two-tailed t test; *p < 0.05, one-tailed t test). The mean diameter of neurons analyzed electrophysiologically was somewhat larger than the mean diameter of neurons (≤26 μm) analyzed in the fixed cultures. This difference is likely attributable to systematic differences in the methods for analyzing the cell diameters on two different microscopes (see Materials and Methods) and to shrinkage of neurons that can occur with fixation.

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Inferred neuron-electrophysiology data values

Neuron Type Neuron Description Ephys Prop Extracted Value Standardized Value Content Source
Dorsal root ganglion cell Isolectin B(4)-positive nonpeptidergic neurons cell diameter (μm) 22.2 ± 0.4 22.2 (um) Data Table
Dorsal root ganglion cell Isolectin B(4)-positive nonpeptidergic neurons cell capacitance (pF) 18.4 ± 0.8 18.4 (pF) Data Table
Dorsal root ganglion cell Isolectin B(4)-positive nonpeptidergic neurons input resistance 344.6 ± 49.9 344.6 (MΩ) Data Table
Dorsal root ganglion cell Isolectin B(4)-positive nonpeptidergic neurons resting membrane potential (mV) -51.7 ± 1.4 -51.7 (mV) Data Table
Dorsal root ganglion cell Isolectin B(4)-positive nonpeptidergic neurons rheobase (pA) 299.5 ± 36.7 299.5 (pA) Data Table
Dorsal root ganglion cell Isolectin B(4)-positive nonpeptidergic neurons spike amplitude (mV) 102.67 ± 2.93 102.67 (mV) Data Table
Dorsal root ganglion cell Isolectin B(4)-positive nonpeptidergic neurons spike half-width (msec) 9.56 ± 0.94 9.56 (ms) Data Table
Dorsal root ganglion cell Isolectin B(4)-positive nonpeptidergic neurons spike width (msec) 5.45 ± 0.53 5.45 (ms) Data Table
Dorsal root ganglion cell Isolectin B(4)-negative peptidergic neurons cell diameter (μm) 21.8 ± 0.6 21.8 (um) Data Table
Dorsal root ganglion cell Isolectin B(4)-negative peptidergic neurons cell diameter (μm) 23.6 ± 1.2 23.6 (um) Data Table
Dorsal root ganglion cell Isolectin B(4)-negative peptidergic neurons cell capacitance (pF) 21.6 ± 3.0 21.6 (pF) Data Table
Dorsal root ganglion cell Isolectin B(4)-negative peptidergic neurons input resistance 333.5 ± 67.3 333.5 (MΩ) Data Table
Dorsal root ganglion cell Isolectin B(4)-negative peptidergic neurons resting membrane potential (mV) -51.4 ± 2.1 -51.4 (mV) Data Table
Dorsal root ganglion cell Isolectin B(4)-negative peptidergic neurons rheobase (pA) 306.7 ± 56.3 306.7 (pA) Data Table
Dorsal root ganglion cell Isolectin B(4)-negative peptidergic neurons spike amplitude (mV) 88.4 ± 5.04 88.4 (mV) Data Table
Dorsal root ganglion cell Isolectin B(4)-negative peptidergic neurons spike half-width (msec) 5.63 ± 0.87 5.63 (ms) Data Table
Dorsal root ganglion cell Isolectin B(4)-negative peptidergic neurons spike width (msec) 2.8 ± 0.51 2.8 (ms) Data Table
Dorsal root ganglion cell Isolectin B(4)-negative peptidergic neurons cell capacitance (pF) 16.5 ± 1.1 16.5 (pF) Data Table
Dorsal root ganglion cell Isolectin B(4)-positive nonpeptidergic neurons cell diameter (μm) 22.8 ± 0.5 22.8 (um) Data Table
Dorsal root ganglion cell Isolectin B(4)-positive nonpeptidergic neurons cell capacitance (pF) 19.4 ± 3.1 19.4 (pF) Data Table
Dorsal root ganglion cell Isolectin B(4)-positive nonpeptidergic neurons input resistance 340.8 ± 113.2 340.8 (MΩ) Data Table
Dorsal root ganglion cell Isolectin B(4)-positive nonpeptidergic neurons resting membrane potential (mV) -51.7 ± 3.7 -51.7 (mV) Data Table
Dorsal root ganglion cell Isolectin B(4)-positive nonpeptidergic neurons rheobase (pA) 176.7 ± 49.1 176.7 (pA) Data Table
Dorsal root ganglion cell Isolectin B(4)-positive nonpeptidergic neurons spike amplitude (mV) 99.4 ± 11.1 99.4 (mV) Data Table
Dorsal root ganglion cell Isolectin B(4)-positive nonpeptidergic neurons spike half-width (msec) 8.82 ± 1.76 8.82 (ms) Data Table
Dorsal root ganglion cell Isolectin B(4)-positive nonpeptidergic neurons spike width (msec) 3.82 ± 0.46 3.82 (ms) Data Table
Dorsal root ganglion cell Isolectin B(4)-negative peptidergic neurons input resistance 437.3 ± 52.8 437.3 (MΩ) Data Table
Dorsal root ganglion cell Isolectin B(4)-negative peptidergic neurons resting membrane potential (mV) -52.1 ± 2.4 -52.1 (mV) Data Table
Dorsal root ganglion cell Isolectin B(4)-negative peptidergic neurons rheobase (pA) 209.3 ± 32.9 209.3 (pA) Data Table
Dorsal root ganglion cell Isolectin B(4)-negative peptidergic neurons spike amplitude (mV) 97.9 ± 4.7 97.9 (mV) Data Table
Dorsal root ganglion cell Isolectin B(4)-negative peptidergic neurons spike half-width (msec) 6.11 ± 0.5 6.11 (ms) Data Table
Dorsal root ganglion cell Isolectin B(4)-negative peptidergic neurons spike width (msec) 3.18 ± 0.3 3.18 (ms) Data Table