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Article: Dopamine increases inhibition in the monkey dorsolateral prefrontal cortex through cell type-specific modulation of interneurons.

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Kröner S; Krimer LS; Lewis DA; Barrionuevo G
Cereb. Cortex, 2007

Table 1

Electrophysiological properties of 3 classes of neurons in layers 2/3 of monkey PFC (means ± standard error)

FS cells, n = 56 ANP cells, n = 28 PCs, n = 34 Statistical differences*
Resting membrane potential (mV) -68.7 (±0.65) -68.0(±0.8) -71.1 (±0.92) -
Input resistance (MΩ) 191.9 (±17.1) 281.7 (±31.1) 111.2 (±8.7) ANP > FS > PC
Membrane time constant τ (ms) 10.7 (±1.0) 21.7 (±2.1) 22.8 (±2.9) PC, ANP > FS
Rheobase current (pA) 139.5 (±13.8) 54.4 (±7.5) 109.5 (±17.0) PC, FS > ANP
Action potential threshold (mV) -40.0 (±0.9) -43.5 (±0.9) -44.5 (±0.9) PC, ANP > FS
Action potential amplitude 48.9 (±1.1) 60.2 (±2.2) 73.2 (±1.4) PC > ANP > FS
Action potential half-width (ms) 0.48 (±0.03) 0.82 (±0.05) 1.05 (±0.04) PC > ANP > FS
10-90% rise-time of action potential (ms) 0.31 (±0.01) 0.42 (±0.02) 0.48 (±0.02) PC > ANP > FS
90-10% fall-time of action potential (ms) 0.36 (±0.03) 0.69 (±0.05) 0.93 (±0.05) PC > ANP > FS
Amplitude AHP (mV) 23.8 (±0.7) 16.1 (±0.9) 11.6 (±0.9) FS > ANP > PC
AHP time-to-peak (mV) 1.45 (±0.14) 3.53 (±0.76) 3.96 (±1.41) -
Percentage “sag” 1.56 (±0.16) 2.45 (±0.52) 2.15 (±0.21) -
  • Note: *Significant differences indicated by the use of a Scheffé test for multiple comparisons after analysis of variance (P < 0.05).

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Inferred neuron-electrophysiology data values

Neuron Type Neuron Description Ephys Prop Extracted Value Standardized Value Content Source
Neocortex interneuron deep dorsolateral prefrontal cortex layer 2/3 pyramidal fast-spiking GABAergic interneuron input resistance (MΩ) 191.9 ± 17.1 191.9 (MΩ) Data Table
Neocortex interneuron deep dorsolateral prefrontal cortex layer 2/3 adapting non-pyramidal GABAergic interneurons input resistance (MΩ) 281.7 ± 31.1 281.7 (MΩ) Data Table
Neocortex pyramidal cell layer 2-3 dorsolateral prefrontal cortex layer 2/3 GABAergic small pyramidal neuron input resistance (MΩ) 111.2 ± 8.7 111.2 (MΩ) Data Table
Neocortex interneuron deep dorsolateral prefrontal cortex layer 2/3 pyramidal fast-spiking GABAergic interneuron membrane time constant (ms) 10.7 ± 1.0 10.7 (ms) Data Table
Neocortex interneuron deep dorsolateral prefrontal cortex layer 2/3 adapting non-pyramidal GABAergic interneurons membrane time constant (ms) 21.7 ± 2.1 21.7 (ms) Data Table
Neocortex pyramidal cell layer 2-3 dorsolateral prefrontal cortex layer 2/3 GABAergic small pyramidal neuron membrane time constant (ms) 22.8 ± 2.9 22.8 (ms) Data Table
Neocortex interneuron deep dorsolateral prefrontal cortex layer 2/3 pyramidal fast-spiking GABAergic interneuron rheobase (pA) 139.5 ± 13.8 139.5 (pA) Data Table
Neocortex interneuron deep dorsolateral prefrontal cortex layer 2/3 adapting non-pyramidal GABAergic interneurons rheobase (pA) 54.4 ± 7.5 54.4 (pA) Data Table
Neocortex pyramidal cell layer 2-3 dorsolateral prefrontal cortex layer 2/3 GABAergic small pyramidal neuron rheobase (pA) 109.5 ± 17.0 109.5 (pA) Data Table
Neocortex interneuron deep dorsolateral prefrontal cortex layer 2/3 pyramidal fast-spiking GABAergic interneuron spike threshold (mV) -40.0 ± 0.9 -40.0 (mV) Data Table
Neocortex interneuron deep dorsolateral prefrontal cortex layer 2/3 adapting non-pyramidal GABAergic interneurons spike threshold (mV) -43.5 ± 0.9 -43.5 (mV) Data Table
Neocortex pyramidal cell layer 2-3 dorsolateral prefrontal cortex layer 2/3 GABAergic small pyramidal neuron spike threshold (mV) -44.5 ± 0.9 -44.5 (mV) Data Table
Neocortex interneuron deep dorsolateral prefrontal cortex layer 2/3 pyramidal fast-spiking GABAergic interneuron spike amplitude 48.9 ± 1.1 48.9 (mV) Data Table
Neocortex interneuron deep dorsolateral prefrontal cortex layer 2/3 adapting non-pyramidal GABAergic interneurons spike amplitude 60.2 ± 2.2 60.2 (mV) Data Table
Neocortex pyramidal cell layer 2-3 dorsolateral prefrontal cortex layer 2/3 GABAergic small pyramidal neuron spike amplitude 73.2 ± 1.4 73.2 (mV) Data Table
Neocortex interneuron deep dorsolateral prefrontal cortex layer 2/3 pyramidal fast-spiking GABAergic interneuron spike half-width (ms) 0.48 ± 0.03 0.48 (ms) Data Table
Neocortex interneuron deep dorsolateral prefrontal cortex layer 2/3 adapting non-pyramidal GABAergic interneurons spike half-width (ms) 0.82 ± 0.05 0.82 (ms) Data Table
Neocortex pyramidal cell layer 2-3 dorsolateral prefrontal cortex layer 2/3 GABAergic small pyramidal neuron spike half-width (ms) 1.05 ± 0.04 1.05 (ms) Data Table
Neocortex interneuron deep dorsolateral prefrontal cortex layer 2/3 pyramidal fast-spiking GABAergic interneuron spike rise time (ms) 0.31 ± 0.01 0.31 (ms) Data Table
Neocortex interneuron deep dorsolateral prefrontal cortex layer 2/3 adapting non-pyramidal GABAergic interneurons spike rise time (ms) 0.42 ± 0.02 0.42 (ms) Data Table
Neocortex pyramidal cell layer 2-3 dorsolateral prefrontal cortex layer 2/3 GABAergic small pyramidal neuron spike rise time (ms) 0.48 ± 0.02 0.48 (ms) Data Table
Neocortex interneuron deep dorsolateral prefrontal cortex layer 2/3 pyramidal fast-spiking GABAergic interneuron spike decay time (ms) 0.36 ± 0.03 0.36 (ms) Data Table
Neocortex interneuron deep dorsolateral prefrontal cortex layer 2/3 adapting non-pyramidal GABAergic interneurons spike decay time (ms) 0.69 ± 0.05 0.69 (ms) Data Table
Neocortex pyramidal cell layer 2-3 dorsolateral prefrontal cortex layer 2/3 GABAergic small pyramidal neuron spike decay time (ms) 0.93 ± 0.05 0.93 (ms) Data Table
Neocortex interneuron deep dorsolateral prefrontal cortex layer 2/3 pyramidal fast-spiking GABAergic interneuron AHP amplitude (mV) 23.8 ± 0.7 23.8 (mV) Data Table
Neocortex interneuron deep dorsolateral prefrontal cortex layer 2/3 adapting non-pyramidal GABAergic interneurons AHP amplitude (mV) 16.1 ± 0.9 16.1 (mV) Data Table
Neocortex pyramidal cell layer 2-3 dorsolateral prefrontal cortex layer 2/3 GABAergic small pyramidal neuron AHP amplitude (mV) 11.6 ± 0.9 11.6 (mV) Data Table
Neocortex interneuron deep dorsolateral prefrontal cortex layer 2/3 pyramidal fast-spiking GABAergic interneuron AHP duration (mV) 1.45 ± 0.14 -- Data Table
Neocortex interneuron deep dorsolateral prefrontal cortex layer 2/3 adapting non-pyramidal GABAergic interneurons AHP duration (mV) 3.53 ± 0.76 -- Data Table
Neocortex pyramidal cell layer 2-3 dorsolateral prefrontal cortex layer 2/3 GABAergic small pyramidal neuron AHP duration (mV) 3.96 ± 1.41 -- Data Table
Neocortex interneuron deep dorsolateral prefrontal cortex layer 2/3 pyramidal fast-spiking GABAergic interneuron sag ratio 1.56 ± 0.16 1.56 (ratio) Data Table
Neocortex interneuron deep dorsolateral prefrontal cortex layer 2/3 adapting non-pyramidal GABAergic interneurons sag ratio 2.45 ± 0.52 0.0245 (ratio) Data Table
Neocortex pyramidal cell layer 2-3 dorsolateral prefrontal cortex layer 2/3 GABAergic small pyramidal neuron sag ratio 2.15 ± 0.21 0.0215 (ratio) Data Table
Neocortex interneuron deep dorsolateral prefrontal cortex layer 2/3 pyramidal fast-spiking GABAergic interneuron resting membrane potential (mV) -68.7 ± 0.65 -68.7 (mV) Data Table
Neocortex interneuron deep dorsolateral prefrontal cortex layer 2/3 adapting non-pyramidal GABAergic interneurons resting membrane potential (mV) -68.0 ± 0.8 -68.0 (mV) Data Table
Neocortex pyramidal cell layer 2-3 dorsolateral prefrontal cortex layer 2/3 GABAergic small pyramidal neuron resting membrane potential (mV) -71.1 ± 0.92 -71.1 (mV) Data Table