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Article: Synaptic and cellular organization of layer 1 of the developing rat somatosensory cortex.

Full Text (publisher's website) ; Article Metadata ; Article Data (extracted)
Muralidhar S; Wang Y; Markram H
Front Neuroanat, 2013

Inferred neuron-electrophysiology data values

Neuron Type Neuron Description Ephys Prop Extracted Value Standardized Value Content Source
Other neocortex layer 1 classical stuttering GABAergic cells AHP duration 2.36 (14) 2.36 (ms) Data Table
Other somatosensory cortex layer 1 classical adapting GABAergic cells AHP duration 2.77 (11) 2.77 (ms) Data Table
Other neocortex layer 1 classical irregular spiking GABAergic cells AHP duration 1.98 (8) 1.98 (ms) Data Table
Other somatosensory cortex layer 1 bursting non-accommodating GABAergic cells AHP duration 2.19 2.19 (ms) Data Table
Other somatosensory cortex layer 1 classical non-accomodating GABAergic cells AHP duration 2.99 (40) 2.99 (ms) Data Table
Other somatosensory cortex layer 1 classical adapting GABAergic cells fast AHP amplitude 16.12 (11) 16.12 (mV) Data Table
Other neocortex layer 1 classical irregular spiking GABAergic cells fast AHP amplitude 14.69 (8) 14.69 (mV) Data Table
Other somatosensory cortex layer 1 bursting non-accommodating GABAergic cells fast AHP amplitude 12.19 12.19 (mV) Data Table
Other somatosensory cortex layer 1 classical non-accomodating GABAergic cells fast AHP amplitude 14.46 (40) 14.46 (mV) Data Table
Other neocortex layer 1 classical stuttering GABAergic cells fast AHP amplitude 13.15 (14) 13.15 (mV) Data Table
Other neocortex layer 1 classical irregular spiking GABAergic cells input resistance 249.72 (8) 249.72 (MΩ) Data Table
Other somatosensory cortex layer 1 bursting non-accommodating GABAergic cells input resistance 346.31 346.31 (MΩ) Data Table
Other neocortex layer 1 classical stuttering GABAergic cells input resistance 281.0 (14) 281.0 (MΩ) Data Table
Other somatosensory cortex layer 1 classical adapting GABAergic cells input resistance 334.44 (11) 334.44 (MΩ) Data Table
Other somatosensory cortex layer 1 classical non-accomodating GABAergic cells input resistance 323.47 (40) 323.47 (MΩ) Data Table
Other somatosensory cortex layer 1 classical adapting GABAergic cells membrane time constant 17.77 (11) 17.77 (ms) Data Table
Other neocortex layer 1 classical irregular spiking GABAergic cells membrane time constant 17.37 (8) 17.37 (ms) Data Table
Other somatosensory cortex layer 1 bursting non-accommodating GABAergic cells membrane time constant 23.67 23.67 (ms) Data Table
Other somatosensory cortex layer 1 classical non-accomodating GABAergic cells membrane time constant 18.84 (40) 18.84 (ms) Data Table
Other neocortex layer 1 classical stuttering GABAergic cells membrane time constant 16.37 (14) 16.37 (ms) Data Table
Other somatosensory cortex layer 1 classical non-accomodating GABAergic cells rheobase 41.82 (40) 41.82 (pA) Data Table
Other neocortex layer 1 classical stuttering GABAergic cells rheobase 38.62 (14) 38.62 (pA) Data Table
Other somatosensory cortex layer 1 classical adapting GABAergic cells rheobase 35.44 (11) 35.44 (pA) Data Table
Other neocortex layer 1 classical irregular spiking GABAergic cells rheobase 42.77 (8) 42.77 (pA) Data Table
Other somatosensory cortex layer 1 bursting non-accommodating GABAergic cells rheobase 37.52 37.52 (pA) Data Table
Other neocortex layer 1 classical stuttering GABAergic cells slow AHP amplitude 2.92 (14) 2.92 (mV) Data Table
Other somatosensory cortex layer 1 classical adapting GABAergic cells slow AHP amplitude 9.15 (11) 9.15 (mV) Data Table
Other neocortex layer 1 classical irregular spiking GABAergic cells slow AHP amplitude 8.59 (8) 8.59 (mV) Data Table
Other somatosensory cortex layer 1 bursting non-accommodating GABAergic cells slow AHP amplitude 6.18 6.18 (mV) Data Table
Other somatosensory cortex layer 1 classical non-accomodating GABAergic cells slow AHP amplitude 8.08 (40) 8.08 (mV) Data Table
Other somatosensory cortex layer 1 classical non-accomodating GABAergic cells spike amplitude 60.85 (40) 60.85 (mV) Data Table
Other somatosensory cortex layer 1 classical adapting GABAergic cells spike amplitude 63.88 (11) 63.88 (mV) Data Table
Other somatosensory cortex layer 1 bursting non-accommodating GABAergic cells spike amplitude 60.47 60.47 (mV) Data Table
Other neocortex layer 1 classical stuttering GABAergic cells spike amplitude 64.58 (14) 64.58 (mV) Data Table
Other neocortex layer 1 classical irregular spiking GABAergic cells spike amplitude 66.94 (8) 66.94 (mV) Data Table
Other somatosensory cortex layer 1 bursting non-accommodating GABAergic cells spike decay time 1.57 1.57 (ms) Data Table
Other somatosensory cortex layer 1 classical non-accomodating GABAergic cells spike decay time 1.44 (40) 1.44 (ms) Data Table
Other neocortex layer 1 classical stuttering GABAergic cells spike decay time 1.65 (14) 1.65 (ms) Data Table
Other somatosensory cortex layer 1 classical adapting GABAergic cells spike decay time 1.54 (11) 1.54 (ms) Data Table
Other neocortex layer 1 classical irregular spiking GABAergic cells spike decay time 1.41 (8) 1.41 (ms) Data Table
Other neocortex layer 1 classical stuttering GABAergic cells spike half-width 1.32 (14) 1.32 (ms) Data Table
Other somatosensory cortex layer 1 classical adapting GABAergic cells spike half-width 1.29 (11) 1.29 (ms) Data Table
Other somatosensory cortex layer 1 classical non-accomodating GABAergic cells spike half-width 1.25 (40) 1.25 (ms) Data Table
Other neocortex layer 1 classical irregular spiking GABAergic cells spike half-width 1.2 (8) 1.2 (ms) Data Table
Other somatosensory cortex layer 1 bursting non-accommodating GABAergic cells spike half-width 1.31 1.31 (ms) Data Table
Other neocortex layer 1 classical irregular spiking GABAergic cells spike max decay slope 50.64 (8) 50.64 (mV/ms) Data Table
Other neocortex layer 1 classical stuttering GABAergic cells spike max decay slope 42.75 (14) 42.75 (mV/ms) Data Table
Other somatosensory cortex layer 1 classical adapting GABAergic cells spike max decay slope 45.45 (11) 45.45 (mV/ms) Data Table
Other somatosensory cortex layer 1 bursting non-accommodating GABAergic cells spike max decay slope 40.02 40.02 (mV/ms) Data Table
Other somatosensory cortex layer 1 classical non-accomodating GABAergic cells spike max decay slope 43.78 (40) 43.78 (mV/ms) Data Table
Other neocortex layer 1 classical irregular spiking GABAergic cells spike max rise slope 70.75 (8) 70.75 (mV/ms) Data Table
Other somatosensory cortex layer 1 bursting non-accommodating GABAergic cells spike max rise slope 61.43 61.43 (mV/ms) Data Table
Other neocortex layer 1 classical stuttering GABAergic cells spike max rise slope 65.93 (14) 65.93 (mV/ms) Data Table
Other somatosensory cortex layer 1 classical adapting GABAergic cells spike max rise slope 65.75 (11) 65.75 (mV/ms) Data Table
Other somatosensory cortex layer 1 classical non-accomodating GABAergic cells spike max rise slope 63.02 (40) 63.02 (mV/ms) Data Table
Other neocortex layer 1 classical stuttering GABAergic cells spike rise time 1.01 (14) 1.01 (ms) Data Table
Other somatosensory cortex layer 1 classical adapting GABAergic cells spike rise time 0.99 (11) 0.99 (ms) Data Table
Other neocortex layer 1 classical irregular spiking GABAergic cells spike rise time 0.97 (8) 0.97 (ms) Data Table
Other somatosensory cortex layer 1 bursting non-accommodating GABAergic cells spike rise time 0.99 0.99 (ms) Data Table
Other somatosensory cortex layer 1 classical non-accomodating GABAergic cells spike rise time 0.98 (40) 0.98 (ms) Data Table
Other somatosensory cortex layer 1 bursting non-accommodating GABAergic cells spike threshold -37.01 -37.01 (mV) Data Table
Other neocortex layer 1 classical stuttering GABAergic cells spike threshold -32.61 (14) -32.61 (mV) Data Table
Other somatosensory cortex layer 1 classical adapting GABAergic cells spike threshold -37.31 (11) -37.31 (mV) Data Table
Other somatosensory cortex layer 1 classical non-accomodating GABAergic cells spike threshold -35.66 (40) -35.66 (mV) Data Table
Other neocortex layer 1 classical irregular spiking GABAergic cells spike threshold -39.6 (8) -39.6 (mV) Data Table
Other somatosensory cortex layer 1 bursting non-accommodating GABAergic cells spike width 2.57 2.57 (ms) Data Table
Other somatosensory cortex layer 1 classical non-accomodating GABAergic cells spike width 2.43 (40) 2.43 (ms) Data Table
Other neocortex layer 1 classical irregular spiking GABAergic cells spike width 2.37 (8) 2.37 (ms) Data Table
Other neocortex layer 1 classical stuttering GABAergic cells spike width 2.66 (14) 2.66 (ms) Data Table
Other somatosensory cortex layer 1 classical adapting GABAergic cells spike width 2.53 (11) 2.53 (ms) Data Table

Report miscurated data

Metadata values

Experimental condition Value
ElectrodeType Patch-clamp
RecTemp 34.0 ± 1.0
PrepType in vitro
AnimalAge 13.0 - 16.0
ExternalSolution 5.0
InternalSolution 5.0
Species Rats
JxnPotential Unreported
Strain Wistar
internal_0_pH 7.3
internal_0_Mg 4.0
internal_0_Na 20.0
internal_0_K 120.0
internal_0_GTP 0.3
internal_0_ATP 4.0
internal_0_HEPES 10.0
internal_0_Cl 10.0
external_0_Mg 1.0
external_0_Na 151.25
external_0_K 2.5
external_0_Cl 133.5
external_0_Ca 2.0
external_0_glucose 25.0

Data table listing

Data Table Article Title Authors Journal Year Table needs expert? Ephys table mentions Curated by Times validated
28037 Synaptic and cellular organization of layer 1 of the developing rat somatosensory cortex. Muralidhar S; Wang Y; Markram H Front Neuroanat 2013 False 14 Nathalie Binnion, Brenna Li, 1
28038 Synaptic and cellular organization of layer 1 of the developing rat somatosensory cortex. Muralidhar S; Wang Y; Markram H Front Neuroanat 2013 False 11 0
28036 Synaptic and cellular organization of layer 1 of the developing rat somatosensory cortex. Muralidhar S; Wang Y; Markram H Front Neuroanat 2013 False 2 0
28035 Synaptic and cellular organization of layer 1 of the developing rat somatosensory cortex. Muralidhar S; Wang Y; Markram H Front Neuroanat 2013 False 1 0